Deepening Connections ~ Strengthening Partnerships

Married + Long term Parterships ~ Couple Sessions


Excerpt From The Art of Marriage | Wilferd A. Peterson 

Relationships are like gardens; for them to flourish we need to take the time to tend to the soil, nutrients, sunlight and water them diligently and honor and treat them with love and care. With that in mind, the team at Summit Celebrant has designed several opportunities for couples in committed relationships to learn tools, techniques and practices to support developing healthy communication styles to enable your relationship to flourish, grow and evolve into a sustainable and thriving partnership. Your coach for these offerings is Karen Talavera, offering Spiritually-Centered Guidance, Healing and Support. Karen is a spiritual life coach, writer and speaker providing inspiration, guidance and direction for those on a journey of self discovery, healing or transformation through turbulent times.


Love Is . . . Staying in Your Lane

What does supporting and loving your partner without directing, controlling, over-functioning, rescuing, or fixing look like? Find out why love is none of those things but instead thrives when each partner remains inter- vs. co-dependent. By staying centered, cultivating a core of self-worth not tied to relationship roles, and assisting when asked (and how asked), we can allow our partners the breathing room to become their authentic selves while also maintaining our authentic selves. The goal? Two whole people who unite as an unbreakable team or flourish independently depending on the need. Learn the difference between caretaking and taking care, the sneaky pitfalls which trigger co-dependent patterns, and proactive steps toward holistic relationships worth investing in sooner vs. later.

Successful Communication Through Reflective Listening

It’s a rare couple that doesn’t eventually experience communication challenges. He said/she said scenarios are often actually listening problems. We may hear the words our partner is saying, yet not correctly absorb, interpret, or understand them. Reflective listening (also known as Imago Dialogue) gets to the root of such issues. In this session, couples will learn and practice reflective listening techniques they can immediately put into practice for communication improvement.

Managing or Resetting Expectations to Reverse Downward Spirals

We all see, judge, and predict life through the filters of our past experiences. But hurtful past events can negatively bias how we relate to our partners, even if they were never the “guilty party”. Before you know it, we’ve unintentionally sabotaged or downright prevented positive outcomes from ever having a chance of becoming reality. If habitual, negative expectations can quickly evolve into vicious downward spirals. Do you find yourself “knowing” or “assuming” what your partner will do, say, or how they’ll react? Do they then continually live down to your expectations, and then some? If so, this session is for you. Learn how to stop, re-set, and reprogram from negative to positive and allow for flow and growth instead.